How to Treat Lice by Essential Oils

3 years ago

Head lice are wingless flat insects which infect the hair, laying eggs and feeding on human blood from the scalp.…

Our 10 Tips for Shape and Well-Being in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

3 years ago

Being the best in head and body, fit, and on top of its luster are things all moms dream about!…

Gestalt Therapy: Overview, Benefits and Effects on Mental Health

3 years ago

Gestalt is a German word which translates as "configuration", "pattern", "set" or "organizational elements." Appeared in Germany in the early…

3 Tips to Relieve Your Stress

3 years ago

When we feel the effects of stress that can weigh us down, it's like something that's becoming heavier on our…

Sleep Disorders: How Bodies React When We Do Not Sleep Enough

3 years ago

Sleep Disorders: Sleeping enough is probably far from a priority of your hyper-occupied life. Yet the consequences of sleep deprivation…

Don’t Forget Sister – Video Premiere & Making-of Webisodes

3 years ago

We're proud to bring you the music video that was brought to life through the collaborative efforts and talents of…

Spinach Benefits: Facts, Uses and Nutritional Information

3 years ago

If we all ate spinach, there would be far fewer cases of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Contrary to what…

Vegetarian Diet: a Balanced Diet for Vegetarians

3 years ago

In a vegetarian diet, meat, dairy, and other animal by-products are excluded. What do vegans eat then? What is the…

How to Get a Nice Look in Casual Outfits

3 years ago

You may wonder about how to get a unique look in casual outfits. Most of us have been thinking for…

The Miracle Solution of Aging Finally Discovered

3 years ago

Aging Solution: A medication could prevent the onset of certain diseases related to aging and improve heart health. Scientists have…