“Sun. Drugs. Family”. Based on a true story, two young sisters are swept into the wake of their mother’s rise and fall through the 70’s Florida pot trade. Free Ride tells the story of a single mom caught up in the Florida drug trade during the...
One hapless partygoer gets more than he bargained for. The Party Short film was aired on AMC as part of Monsterfest 2003’s “Short Screamers with Clive Barker.” by Guy Shahar Cast and Crew Writers Tim Doherty Guy Shahar Director Guy Shahar Assistant...
Touch and movement are parts of daily life. Unfortunately, a lot of people usually take them for granted. But everything changes when a terrible accident happens, and there is a need to amputate a limb. The prosthetic limbs that are currently used replicate a real...
Business & Finance
The way that businesses reach their customers has changed by a massive amount over the past few decades. Unlike past businesses, companies in 2021 no longer have to put out billboards and posters and hope that their ideal customers will walk past them. Today, business...
Having tattoos has become quite popular nowadays among the young. It became a way of expressing someone’s personality or trends. Not only girls like to have a romantic feminist tattoo, but also men tend to have shapes that show how strong they are. Before you get your...