By Christine Vachon Once again, thank you for taking the time to submit your screenplays and pitches to the ViviGeek website. I, along with the rest of the Killer Films staff, thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the submissions that flooded in. There are a few...
With his mother coming to meet his live-in girlfriend, Mark Foster must conceal his family’s sordid past or face the one thing he fears the most… his own lies. Like many guys, Mark Foster struggles with commitment, but given his past, he has a good reason....
Joshua first started acting when he was the Tortoise in a first-grade recreation of “The Tortoise and the Hare” and hasn’t stopped since. Acting led to working in Radio, and he got his Bachelors in Radio and Video Production. Deciding that he was...
Suffering from Raynaud’s Disease or Raynaud’s Syndrome, which are two slightly different ailments, is not just about having your hands or feet cold. It is a chronic disorder of the circulation of the blood in the extremities, which occurs periodically, in...
In the US, one in four Americans are pre-diabetic, and up to two in the casualized population. In Belgium, an estimated 5 or 6% the percentage of people with diabetes in the population. And nearly 10% of the people in Prediabetes, a little known yet about who deserves...