A man tries to get away with the murder of his wife to escape ‘that look.’ A Gothic horror-noir that tells the story of Irv Moulton, a slumping, middle-aged man, who wakes up on the kitchen floor of his home to find two suspicious detectives looming over...
Director, Writer Astoria, NY Projects Bushwick IMDB Working On: Cannes Film Festival for BUSHWICK – Timeline Barry the Berry Bear and Abigail Ann, 2015 Landivar is the writer, producer, and director of the short about Abigail Ann, who...
A cerebrovascular accident (CVA), or stroke, is an abnormal flow of the blood that affects a region more or less of the brain. It occurs as a result of a blocked or damaged blood vessel and leads to the death of nerve cells that are deprived of oxygen and nutrients...
Food & Nutrition
Food Poisoning: When a fly lands on your plate, a question arises: Is the food contaminated? What happens when a fly lands on food? A team of American researchers decided to investigate the matter. The researchers first asked the respondent: If you are in a...
Pneumonia Viral Infection is an infection of the lungs most often caused by a virus or bacterium. The infection affects more precisely the pulmonary alveoli, these tiny balloon-shaped sacs at the tip of the bronchioles. It usually affects only one of the 5 lobes of...