Relaxation techniques are a great way to help you with stress. Relaxation isn’t just about peace of mind as these techniques can reduce stress symptoms and help you enjoy a better life. Relaxation is a process that decreases the effects of stress on your mind...
After wrecking his car a young rock star is haunted by memories of his sister and the whirlwind that led him to this point and decides to break free. Synopsis ACT I A dark winding road over-looking L.A. A car has skidded off the road and smashed into a pole. As the...
By James Sehring We’re thrilled to finally announce our 12 favorite pitches! Many apologies for the delay in announcing… I wanted to make sure that Killer gave each pitch a proper review. After much deliberation, we’ve pulled together a collection of...
Muscle strain Treatment: We have gathered here different types of muscle injuries. The cramp complete rupture of a muscle – which can occur in a sporting activity, whether one is a beginner athlete, confirmed competitor, or practicing high level. These injuries...
Food & Nutrition
To gain energy and avoid fatigue or worse, anemia, better garnish diet of foods rich in iron. Where to find them? Here is our list of top 10 foods rich in iron. What are our iron needs? We need up to 16 mg per day to cover our needs estimated at 2mg per day. These...