A dark, visceral journey that explores a dysfunctional friendship between two working-class men and the overwhelming personal loss that haunts them both. Genre: Film-Noir, Drama A Friday night like any other Friday night. Is it? A devastating event that John struggles...
We had the opportunity to sit down with Barbara Gray and learn a little more about the emerging writer, as well as hear how development is progressing for The Wrong Guys for the Job – the first film from the Lionsgate Incubator partnership. Tell us a little...
Christine Vachon is an American movie producer active in the US independent film sector who, along with partner Pamela Koffler, runs Killer Films. Christine Vachon produced Todd Haynes’ controversial first feature, Poison, which was awarded the Grand Jury Prize...
Courtney Brooke is a New England based photographer who grew up in a dreamy place where Transcendentalism met with Utopian wonder and wooded ritual. While she travels frequently, Courtney will forever call the rolling foggy New England hills her home. She pulls...
Producer, Director, Writer, Actor Brooklyn, NY Representation Vinyl Foote Productions Union Status SAG, AEA, AFTRA After appearing in films and television shows as an actor, most notably Richard Linklater’s Suburbia, John Frankenheimer’s Andersonville, Sam...
After wrecking his car a young rock star is haunted by memories of his sister and the whirlwind that led him to this point and decides to break free. Synopsis ACT I A dark winding road over-looking L.A. A car has skidded off the road and smashed into a pole. As the...