Asthma is a disease characterized by a more or less critical inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchi, bronchioles. It results in difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, or tightness in the chest. Asthma is a chronic disease, most often manifested...
Originally from India, Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, is a comprehensive and coherent medical system, as is Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine. For Example, it is considered the oldest medical system in human history. Indian tradition traces its...
Raising children is not an easy task as it requires exerting considerable effort for a long time throughout our life to keep them healthy and well-educated. We keep doing this until our children grow up and become able to take care of themselves without the need to...
Laryngitis Viral Infection results from inflammation of the larynx, especially in the vocal cords. The inflammation prevents the vocal cords from moving normally and vibrating freely as the air passes. Talking becomes painful. The voice is altered, raucous, or...
Teeth Problems: Sensitive gums, white spots on the teeth, and dental pain are monitored very closely. Here are the dangerous symptoms not to be ignored. 1- Canker sores and other oral lesions that refuse to heal Causes of canker sores: no one knows exactly what causes...
Blood Donation: The work of American researchers, published this Tuesday in the scientific journal Nature, opened a breakthrough in research to produce human blood in the laboratory. Two teams of researchers, working with two different methods, have taken an...