HIV Disease: A recent discovery will make it possible to find the blood cells “reservoirs” serving as hiding the AIDS virus and could lead to a remedy. Hope for the scientific world: a new track explored by French researchers to permanently eliminate the...
These four signs and symptoms can predict if our arteries are blocked and if you are at risk for heart disease. Detect the earliest possible signs and symptoms of blocked arteries; it is a priority. Heart diseases affect nearly 1.5 million Canadians. They are also one...
Sleep apnea is difficult to diagnose. Untreated, it can have real consequences for the quality of life and health: it is essential to detect it and to put in place an adapted treatment. Sleep apnea is an involuntary stop of breathing, the “apnea,”...
Pneumonia Disease is an infection of the lungs most often caused by a virus or bacterium. The infection affects more precisely the pulmonary alveoli, these tiny balloon-shaped sacs located at the tip of the bronchioles. It usually affects only one of the five lobes of...
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease that causes a progressive decline in cognitive function and memory. Gradually, the destruction of nerve cells occurs in areas of the brain related to memory and language. Over time, the person has increasing...
Salt is an essential component of our life. Its history is closely linked to that of humanity. Very long time, it served primarily for the conservation of food. For this reason, its consumption has increased steadily until the twentieth century. With the emergence of...