Cool Sculpting: a flat, Defined Through the Cold Belly, Is It Possible?

Cool Sculpting can freeze the fat, which will then be phased out naturally by the body. ViviGeek has tested this innovative technology offered at Clinique SKIN Dr. Khanna, and we reveal the results. The Cool Sculpting refines the silhouette by destroying fat cells by freezing. This new technology, now available at SKIN medical aesthetics in Montreal, has piqued the curiosity of our team and agreed to the test. Before you share the results in detail, briefly recall its operation.

Cool Sculpting: How it works?

Cool Sculpting is a non-surgical treatment that aims to eliminate fat cells located in specific areas of the body, such as the stomach, back, or hips. The precise temperature at which the Cool Sculpting is used allows targeting only the fat. Indeed, when placed on the surface of the skin, the applicator is sufficiently cold to destroy fat cells but not cold enough to damage the skin or cells located near the treatment area.

Once “frozen” by the technology of Cool Sculpting, fat cells die and removed by the lymphatic system of the body, about two to three months. A clarification needed here: Cool Sculpting helps shape the figure and, therefore, not designed for overall weight loss. That being said, a person could refine his/her size by targeting specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen.

Cool Sculpting: A flat stomach thanks to Cool Sculpting

The belly is the most frequently requested area among both men and women. The real source of complex, too paunchy, small bulges protruding from the pants or shirt makes creases; the belly is much nicer when it is flat. Belly and love handles are the areas where the machine Zeltiq ™ is the most effective because this area is more fibrous fat, and applicator sucks fat more easily flexible.

Cool Sculpting: What indications to treat cellulite of your belly with Cool Sculpting?

The effects depend as much on the efficiency of the machine Zeltiq ™ as targeted indications to treatment. When a balanced diet and regular physical activity are not enough to get rid of your little greasy ribs, the CoolSculpting® is for you. To obtain the best possible results on the belly area, your BMI close to the average and your excess fat located. An individual whose obesity is proven not treated by CoolSculpting®.

For large beads, the CoolMax® applicator ensures greater volume reduction, it can contain 2.5 times more volume than others. With this applicator, only a one-hour session is enough to remove 1/3 of the fat. Regarding localized fat deposits on the flanks (love handles), we use the applicator to sculpt CoolCore® size.

If you are looking to refine your silhouette significantly, more sessions are needed in several areas. Moreover, this technology is especially useful for men and women attempting to define a specific part of their body like abs, for example, but have failed to achieve the desired result through a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Also, note that the Cool Sculpting will not provide the desired effects if the user gains weight during the treatment, which we mentioned in more detail a few months ago.

Cool Sculpting: The results

Three months after receiving this treatment on the flanks, I see a difference that is visible to the naked eye. Photos were taken before and after the session of Cool Sculpting, and I can see that the fat of my sides, which created a curve, is less present. So, my love handles are visibly less important in my waist. In addition, unsightly bulges on the back of my sides are much less visible. In my case, I am satisfied with the results. Another positive effect of Cool Sculpting: since I received this treatment, I am more motivated to eat better, and I do some more sports than before. I am more aware of what I put on my plate, and before/after photos have greatly motivated me to continue. In this sense, Cool Sculpting can, therefore, also be used as an “engine” to initiate some positive changes in your lifestyle.

However, let us be clear: the Cool Sculpting will not make miracles if you want to lose a lot of weight in no time, and this technology can not alone solve all your weight problems. That said, the Cool Sculpting could give you a good boost, which is, admittedly, never refused in the circumstances!

Cool Sculpting: areas to choose

The effectiveness of Cool Sculpting is optimal on the belly (the most painful area), back, hips, arms, inner thighs, gluteal folds under, and saddlebags.

Advantages of cool Sculpting

  • No anesthesia
  • No scarring or risks of necrosis
  • Durable and persistent results (provided you have a healthy lifestyle course)

Cool Sculpting: Contraindications of CoolSculpting

Cool Sculpting is for relatively thin people who have one or two small areas of fat to remove. It is not suitable for people in real overweight or those concerned with:

  • A strong reactivity to cold
  • A hernia
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • The Port of electronic devices
  • Wounds, eczema, recent surgery on the area
  • Poor circulation in the area
  • Raynaud’s disease

Finally, burn calories while retaining the fun

Specifically, the procedure is to apply a strong feeling of freshness on the area in question; then, the doctor grabs your little bulge while his assistant installs a suction device to act for 1 hour. Result? The fat deposits froze to become like a white rectangular mass before. There is a delay before your skin becomes normal and obvious results appear in three weeks. Continuous skin, to improve to three months after treatment. Your stomach again becomes completely flat; it will do more to practice some exercises for abs thunder regularly! It will take between 750 and 1,300 € for treating a rebel zone with the Cool Sculpting technology.

In short, the therapy is considered as a motivation to lead a healthier life, but if you were to take the fat, it would spread to seamlessly to other parts of your body. The Cool Sculpting, approved in 2010 by the US health authorities, unfortunately, can not treat obesity problems. Still, its effectiveness has been proved through several studies explaining the activation of the cold on brown fat called. Awesome, right?


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