Headache Treatment: Healing and Recovering of Headache with Herbal Medicine

Whether for better sleep or asset slimming, herbal medicine, that is to say, all the medicinal plants, overcomes the problems of daily life naturally. It is a solution that is both complementary and alternative treatments of conventional medicine, more and more fashionable and whose effectiveness is increasingly recognized.

Headache Treatment: 6 plants to relieve a headache

A headache is very common in developed countries: more than 80% of women and 66% of men suffer regularly. To remedy this, it is possible to turn to the plants. Here are six plants and their dosage to fight against headaches.

First: Chamomile against migraines

Used for centuries, the leaves of chamomile (Tanacetum parthenium) prevent and fight against recurrent migraines. Today, the World Health Organization and ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative is Phytotherapy) officially recognize the effectiveness of this herb native to the Balkans for the prevention and reduction of the frequency and intensity of migraine crises. It partly explains the preventive effect of chamomile against migraines by the presence of an active agent in leaves called parthenolide.

Dosage: recommended to chew 125 mg to 250 mg of dried leaves per day or take the same amount as dried leaf powder capsules or freeze-dried leaves (standardized to 0.2% parthenolide).

Good to know: Do not confuse chamomile with German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and Roman (Chamaemelum Nobile), two different plants that do not have the same pharmacological properties.

Second: Peppermint to end the headache

Probably originated in the Middle East, peppermint (Mentha x Piperita) is a perennial plant resulting from a cross between spearmint (Mentha spicata) and water mint (Mentha Aquatica). We use the essential oil of peppermint, extracted from the aerial parts of the plant, externally as a remedy for headaches. The use of this essential oil recognized by the World Health Organization.

A clinical study showed the effectiveness of the essential oil of peppermint externally to alleviate a headache (= a tension headache). The results of this study, perform a circular massage with an ethanol solution containing 10% essential oil of peppermint effectively relieve headaches so that a dose of 1000 mg acetaminophen (Tylenol® ).

Dosage: Externally, recommended to drop 2 to 3 drops of essential oil of peppermint pure or diluted in a little vegetable oil (e.g., sweet almond) or warm water on the forehead, temples, or back of the neck and massage circularly affected areas. If a headache persists, repeat the operation every 15 to 30 minutes. Warning, do not apply the essential oil of peppermint close to the eyes.

Good to know: The essential oils contain powerful active ingredients and are contra-indicated in pregnant women and young children. It is essential to take precautions and to scrupulously respect the dosages. If in doubt, ask advice from a health professional.

Third: Willow bark against headaches

The use of white willow bark (Salix alba) in the treatment of headaches is officially recognized by the Commission E and ESCOP. In herbal medicine, is generally used the bark of young branches of willow, a tree living in the humid regions of the northern hemisphere (Europe, Russia, Central Asia, North Africa, etc.) and can reach a height of 25 meters. Willow bark produces salicin, an active substance transformed by salicylic acid in the body and whose chemical structure is similar to that of aspirin. The antipyretic properties (prevent and remove fever) and analgesic (pain reducing) of the white willow bark and could effectively relieve a headache.

Directions: Bring to a boil between 150 and 250 ml of water with 2 to 3 g of willow bark and simmer for about 5 minutes. recommended to drink up to 4 cups of this mixture daily. It is also possible to opt for the daily use of standardized extract salicin: take 60 mg of salicin from 1 to 4 times per day.

Good to know: Willow bark contraindicated in persons with allergies to acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin). If in doubt, it is best to consult a health professional. Also, people allergic to aspirin should not use this plant in the treatment of headaches.

Forth: Butterbur to prevent migraine attacks

In herbal medicine, using standardized extracts of the rhizome of butterbur (Petasites Officinalis) could prevent and treat migraine attacks. Two clinical trials published in the early 2000s have demonstrated the effectiveness of this herb in preventing migraines.

In the eldest studies, daily intake of standardized extracts of butterbur (Petadolex®) for 3 months has significantly decreased the frequency of migraine attacks. The second test clearly confirmed the results of the first, participants who took a daily 150 mg of butterbur extract for 4 months have seen a sharp decline in migraine attacks.

Dosage: The people most prone to migraine attacks can take during a meal between 50 mg and 75 mg of standardized extract of butterbur, 2 times daily for 4-6 months.

Good to know: A raw, butterbur contains substances (= pyrrolizidine alkaloids) toxic to the lungs and liver. Plus, Standardized extracts of the rhizome of butterbur, meanwhile, are not dangerous and are very well tolerated by the body.

Fifth: Try rosemary!

In a case of migraine or headache, the use of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a good alternative to painkillers. This perennial plant, native to the Mediterranean, relieves headaches due to its anti-inflammatory action, and especially migraine caused by cold. Traditionally rosemary used in infusion or inhalation to prevent or treat a headache.


  • Infuse 2g of dried rosemary, the equivalent of one teaspoon in 150 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, strain, and drink the tea at the onset of headaches.
  • If pain persists, it can take up to 3 cups of rosemary tea a day.
  • Inhaled, boil a handful of dried rosemary in 1L of water, pour into a large bowl, cover your head with a towel and breathe the vapors of the solution until a headache disappears.
  • The rosemary essential oil can also be effective for migraines; place 1-2 drops of essential oil of rosemary on the temples, forehead or neck rub, and take care to avoid contact with eyes.

Good to know: The essential oils contain powerful active ingredients and are contra-indicated in pregnant women and young children. It is also essential to take precautions and to scrupulously respect the dosages. If in doubt, ask advice from a health professional.

Sixth: The lavender against headaches

True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a native perennial Mediterranean. Appreciated for its strong and pleasant smell, lavender is known for its calming and soothing properties. The essential oil of lavender, obtained by distillation from full flowering tops, relieve migraines and tension headaches.

This essential oil considered the “panacea” because it has many therapeutic properties and can relieve many ailments such as agitation, anxiety, insomnia, airway inflammation, muscle pain, and high blood pressure, gastric disorders, etc. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-pain would make an excellent ally to fight against headaches and migraine attacks.

Dosage: To relieve headaches and promote sleep, recommended to mix 1-2 drops of essential oil of lavender with a little vegetable oil such as sweet almond, to deposit the solution on the temples or forehead, and perform a circular massage. Alternatively, boil about one liter of water, then add 2 to 4 drops of essential oil of lavender. Pour into a large bowl, cover your head with a towel and inhale vapors for several minutes.

Good to know: The essential oils contain powerful active ingredients and are contra-indicated in pregnant women and young children. It is essential to take precautions and to scrupulously respect the dosages. If in doubt, ask advice from a health professional.


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