Superfit Lady: 28 years ago, Carolyn Hartz decided to give up sugar. The nutrition and wellness expert recently told her advice on how to feel good about her body and life once she passed the 50-year mark. Carolyn Hartz living in Perth, Australia, and being a mother of three children, displays a dream figure. She created the Sweetlife site, which provides valuable advice on nutrition and wellness.

“Many women aged 50 and overthink it’s not possible to maintain their figure and weight,” Hartz determined to prove the contrary by providing a lot of advice. Keeping a Positive Mind At the age of 70, Carolyn Hartz says, “I am optimistic and have learned to stay positive even when I have to face challenges. I trained myself to remember that the glass is always half full. “She states that mindset is as important as eating habits.

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Reducing Sugar Without Depriving

As for sugar, Carolyn Hartz definitely turned her back. She says it is a major factor in the risk of obesity in Australia and around the world. This decision to stop sugar 28 years ago is one of the essential factors in its current form. Carolyn Hartz does not advise to follow this radical decision because it is important not to “deprive” oneself. Still, it ensures again that it is vital to ensure the quantities of the portions that one consumes minutes.

Superfit Lady: Woman 70s ,has incredible body -

Sleep is fundamental

Carolyn Hartz tries to maintain the duration of her sleep at an average of eight hours per night. She believes that this time is important to stay healthy. She also practices daily meditation and says the results are enormous: “I am much calmer and more intuitive since I started meditation,” says the expert. She also practices physical activities when she can enjoy nature and walks her dog every day for 30 minutes.

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Never compare to others

“We all have our own personality traits,” says Carolyn Hartz, convinced that comparing oneself to others and sometimes feeling inferior is not a solution. “Be happy for the success of your friends, enjoy together,” says the specialist. Convinced that every person can accomplish their personal successes, Carolyn Hartz proves that physical fitness is mostly achieved through a positive life philosophy that can only improve self-confidence.

Superfit Lady: Woman 70s ,has incredible body -